"Rotor Rampage" is a fresh and exciting video game designed specifically for the Commodore PET, a classic computer that made its debut over 40 years ago. The game represents a remarkable blend of nostalgia and innovation, offering a new gaming experience for enthusiasts of vintage computing..
A rudimentary physics engine renders falling debris. Adding a level of visual excitment.
Each level consists of over 160,000 blocks , levels load from disk or SD card to expand the Rotor Rampage universe.
Create an share your own maps using this detailed map editor.
The main requirement is that you have at least 32k of memory, Pets from 2001-n to the 4032 are supported, 8000+ on the way. The initial release will required SD/Floppy disk support so make sure your pets have ROM 2 or above.
A tape version will be available, each level will be loaded on the tape one after the other.
Built on the Commodore Pet using advanced graphics (for 1979) and sound!
Our free shareware version should be complete by the end of February on general release, you will be able to download the files here.
Just stick them on a SD card, or load them to a floppy disk and play!
80 Column Pet version released 29th Feb 2024. Check downloads.
With millions of people all over the world playing them on a regular basis. But have you ever stopped to think about who actually makes these games? The answer is video game developers.
They are responsible for everything from designing the game mechanics and levels to creating the characters and writing the storylines.
Developers use a variety of programming languages to create the game mechanics, physics, and other technical elements that make the game work.